AMD A10-7700K
Intel Core i7-1068NG7

AMD A10-7700K: 28 nm, Kaveri, 4 X 3.50 GHz, DDR3-1866. 

Intel Core i7-1068NG7: 10 nm, Ice Lake U, 4 X 2.30 GHz, DDR4-3200 LPDDR4-3733. 


Technical specs

Comparing AMD A10-7700K vs AMD A10-7700K processors on basic technical specifications will help you know the performance difference, as well as:
1) Determine which is better in comparison AMD A10-7700K vs AMD A10-7700K suitable for gaming?
2) Which processor is more energy efficient?
3) The key difference in performance and speed.
We have comprehensive information comparing AMD A10-7700K vs AMD A10-7700K to analyze the data and make the right choice.

no data
4 / 4
CPU Cores / Threads
4 / 8
Core architecture
no data
3.50 GHz
2.30 GHz
3.80 GHz
Turbo Frequency (1 Core)
4.10 GHz
3.80 GHz
Turbo Frequency (4 Cores)
3.60 GHz

CPU generation and family

AMD A10-7700K vs Intel Core i7-1068NG7 in a comparison of processor generations and families. Friends, this indicator may be of little use in comparing generations of different brands, as it is very difficult to keep track of the release of new processor models and even more so the sequence and the exact names of the family. Therefore, all the information in the table is presented for information purposes, it is not taken into account in the final performance rating. 

CPU Cores
AMD A10-7700K
no data
no data
AMD A10-7000
CPU group
no data
no data
no data
no data


Comparing AMD A10-7700K vs Intel Core i7-1068NG7 processor models shows the difference in performance of the embedded graphics core (in case there is one in the model). If one of the compared processors does not have an iGPU, you can skip this comparison result and move on to the next blocks of information.

AMD Radeon R7 - 384 (Kaveri)
GPU name
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 940
0.72 GHz
GPU frequency
0.30 GHz
No turbo
GPU (Turbo)
1.10 GHz
Execution units
2 GB
Max. GPU Memory
no data
Max. displays
Direct X
28 nm
10 nm
Release date

Hardware codec support

Comparing AMD A10-7700K vs Intel Core i7-1068NG7 in hardware codec support you can see which codecs are not or are supported by models. This information is not factored into the overall model performance rating and is for informational purposes only. 

h265 8bit
Decode / Encode
h265 10bit
Decode / Encode
h265 / HEVC (8 bit)
no data
h265 / HEVC (10 bit)
no data
Decode / Encode
Decode / Encode
Decode / Encode
no data
Decode / Encode
Decode / Encode
Decode / Encode

Memory Specifications

Compare AMD A10-7700K vs Intel Core i7-1068NG7 in the segment of supported RAM, type of RAM, as well as its maximum size and number of channels supported. Each processor is compared in terms of peak performance, so we recommend that you pay close attention to all memory speed parameters. The processor that supports the more advanced memory standard, clock frequency, and capacity will win.

PCIe version
PCIe lanes
Memory type
DDR4-3200 LPDDR4-3733
Max. Memory
64 GB
Memory channels
no data

Thermal Management (TDP)

Comparing AMD A10-7700K and Intel Core i7-1068NG7 in terms of thermal efficiency and TDP. The higher the TDP of the processor, the more powerful the power supply unit is to reach its potential, also powerful processors with a high TPD need an effective (usually expensive) cooling system. In addition to this, a processor with a high TDP is very warm, which will require you to spend more money on a larger system case.

95 W
28 W
95 W
no data
no data
TDP up
TDP down
Tjunction max.
100 °C

Additional specifications

AMD A10-7700K vs Intel Core i7-1068NG7 - It's time to know the difference in comparing the additional characteristics of these processor models, namely to determine the difference in the size of second and third level memory, the date of production, the technological method of manufacturing the chip, as well as the difference in the motherboard socket.

x86-64 (64 bit)
Instruction set (ISA)
no data
SSE4a, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, FMA4
ISA extensions
no data
no data
4.00 MB
8.00 MB
Ice Lake U
10 nm
VT-x, VT-x EPT, VT-d
BGA 1344
Release date
Part Number
no data

Use Conditions

AMD A10-7700K versus Intel Core i7-1068NG7 in use segment. Mobile processors are not only used in smartphones or tablets, they can be upgraded and used in laptops. Therefore, background information on the potential of the models being compared will be useful.

Used in
Apple MacBook Pro 13 (2020)

Cinebench R23 (Single-Core)

List of CPUs with best single core performance is useful when you're building your own PC. First off, you'll need a motherboard, a central processing unit (CPU), a solid state drive (SSD) or hard disk drive (HDD) for storage, memory. Find out which the best gaming CPU you can get right now. Here is the best CPU for gaming for the money, based on the benchmark Cinebench R23 (Single-Core). You should also find answers to the following questions: - What is the most common CPU? - What is the #1 CPU in the world? - Which CPU type is the best? The most popular CPU don't have to be the most expensive. Just find out which is the fastest processor on the market and make your purchase.

Cinebench R20 (Single-Core)

A processor (CPU) is literally the brain of a computer, determining how quickly it can run programs, execute commands, process data, and, well, “think.” On our site, we've sorted for you all the computer processors from best to worst according to the Cinebench R20 (Single-Core) benchmark results. After all, choosing a processor can be tricky, and you need to find the answer to a number of questions: - Which processors are the best? - Is this a good time to buy a new processor? - Why do processors need more cores? To avoid the hassle, just find out which processor is the best of all the PC processors and win the competition of the strongest processors. A list of desktop PC processors, from best to worst, single and multi-core, is at your disposal.

Cinebench R20 (Multi-Core)

You'll find plenty of guides to the best processors on our site. Here is the latest update to our list of recommended gaming processors based on the Cinebench R20 (Multi-Core) stress test. This processor benchmark will allow you to find the best processor for your budget. Pay attention to additional factors as well: - What is the top processor? - What are the top 5 processors? - What is the best processor for a PC? Processor rankings help you find the best processor for gaming on your laptop or PC. Our processor hierarchy ranks current and previous generations of processors based on performance in tests.

Cinebench R15 (Single-Core)

The list of the best processors for budget gaming desktops will help you decide on your choice. Compare the performance of the different models in our ranking, especially if you need a processor for your gaming PC and have a limited budget. Use our Cinebench R15 benchmark to see if your processor can handle today's powerful games. Also find out the following: - What's the most powerful gaming processor right now? - Do I need a powerful processor for gaming? - What is the fastest processor for gaming? - What makes a good processor for gaming? Buying the right processor for computer games is quite difficult. But our ranking of the best CPUs will help with the task.

Cinebench R15 (Multi-Core)

Our processor / CPU comparison will help you compare two processors. We use the results of the Cinebench R15 benchmark, which allows us to sort the existing models from the most powerful to the weakest. This CPU comparison will help you choose the right one and find the cheapest model for your mid-priced PC. The following is also important: - How can I compare different processors? - What are the 3 types of processors? - How do I choose the right processor? To easily compare desktop and laptop processors, as well as CPU specs & benchmarks, use our site.

iGPU - FP32 Performance (Single-precision GFLOPS)

The best processor for programming with high performance will be easy to find. The rating of computer processors is at your disposal. compiled taking into account price and performance. It is necessary to pay attention to the following: - Which processor is best for gaming and productivity? - Which CPU is fastest for gaming? - What is the best CPU for gaming and editing? - What is the most powerful gaming CPU? The best single-core or multi-core processor with good performance will always be at your disposal. Use our top to buy a good new processor.

Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core)

To find the best processor, look not only at price, but also at performance. Newer models won't necessarily work for you because the general processor hierarchy doesn't address your specific needs. It is better to pay attention to our rating and take into account additional subtleties. - What is the best laptop processor for gaming? - What is a good budget CPU for gaming? - What is the best chip for gaming? Whether you need the best single-core processor or the most powerful chip for cs:go, you will be satisfied with your purchase.

Geekbench 3, 64bit (Single-Core)

Geekbench 3 is Primate Labs' cross-platform processor benchmark, with a new scoring system that separates single-core and multi-core performance. Based on the testing we have compiled for you the ranking of the best CPUs, and it includes both budget and expensive flagship processors for games. Here you can compare desktop or laptop CPUs (from AMD and Intel) to see which one has better performance. Don't forget the following either: - Which is the best budget processor for gaming? - Which processor is best for high end gaming? - Which type of processor is best for gaming? - What is a good budget CPU for gaming ? Buying the right processor for PC gaming is complicated—especially in these days. Choose the best computer processor for your PC or laptop.

Geekbench 3, 64bit (Multi-Core)

When building or purchasing a new computer, there are a ton of factors to consider. Looking for a new PC but struggling with computer specs? Find out what kind of computer you need in terms of RAM, CPU & graphics card. We tested popular CPUs in the Geekbench 3, 64bit (Multi-Core) benchmark and summarized the results in one table. Don't forget about the following: - How strong of a processor do I need? - What level of processor do I need? - How do I choose the right processor? If you're looking for a budget-friendly gaming processor you'll find it here.

Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (Single-Core)

Exactly how to choose a CPU? There is no best CPU, only the best CPU for you. In this post, we will take a look at the best processors for gaming. What is the best CPU for gaming? To answer this question, we made a top list of the best CPUs and presented the results in a clear table. Testing in Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (Single-Core) allowed us to rank the CPUs from best to worst. Answer the following questions for yourself: - Which gaming CPU is right for you? - What is the best gaming CPU? Newer gaming processors use higher clock speeds, larger caches, and other advantages. But ultimately, choosing the best gaming processor for your PC depends on what you want to get.

Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (Multi-Core)

A good processor is essential for programming. You need to decide how many cores you need when buying a processor for coding. You should also check our recommended list of the best processors for programming. Processors for coding are worth it. If you're looking for a decent processor to help you with your programming, here are the top best coding processors. It's based on tests in the synthetic benchmark Cinebench R11.5, 64bit (Multi-Core). It's also important to know the following: - What is the best multi-core processor? - Are 12 cores redundant? - Why is AMD better at multi-core CPUs? - What is the best all-in-one processor? Choose the best processor for programming and use it according to your needs.

PassMark CPU Mark

Buying the right processor for PC gaming is complicated—especially in these days. Like the remaining gaming equipment, the best cheap CPUs for gaming are made by prominent companies. To help in your mission of finding the best affordable processor, we've tested several cheap CPUs to help you find the right one for you. Our ranking of popular processors, based on the results of the PassMark CPU Mark benchmark, will allow you to draw conclusions. Consider the following: - Which is the best budget CPU? - What is a good budget CPU for gaming 2022? - Is Intel or AMD better for budget gaming? - How much should a CPU cost on the budget? With GPUs being so expensive, and CPUs being so cheap, how much can one expect to pay for a decent budget CPU? Well, it's not as much as you probably think! Find your dream budget CPU that will give you the performance you want.