AMD Radeon HD 8770M

487 - Rate position;
600 MHz - Core clock speed;
- Boost Clock;
NVIDIA - Brand name;
512 MB - Maximum RAM amount;
800 MHz - Memory clock speed;
- Memory bandwidth;
150 Watt - Power consumption (TDP);
55/65 nm - Manufacturing process technology:

AMD Radeon HD 8770M - GPU MODEL
491 - Rate position;
775 MHz - Core clock speed;
825 MHz - Boost Clock;
AMD - Brand name;
2 GB - Maximum RAM amount;
4500 MHz - Memory clock speed;
72 GB/s - Memory bandwidth;
- Power consumption (TDP);
28 nm - Manufacturing process technology:


General Information

Let's compare video cards NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI vs AMD Radeon HD 8770M on basic information that will help you immediately determine which model is suitable in terms of cost (data are taken from public sources based on the analysis of the average cost of video cards in marketplaces Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress). Comparing graphics cards can help you answer the following questions:
1) Which graphics card is better, NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI or NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI?
2) How to choose the right graphics card and what should I pay attention to?
3) How powerful is the graphics card and for what games is it suitable?
4) Can the video card be used in mining?
5) What scores did the video cards NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI and AMD Radeon HD 8770M get in benchmarks.
This is by no means a complete list of questions that you will learn the answers to. In the start description you will understand when the video card was manufactured, its place in the overall performance rating, the ratio of performance to cost, the code name of the graphics core and the name of its architecture. Also the segment of use, where and in what computers the video card can be installed. 

Place in performance rating
Value for money (0-100)
G9x (2007−2010)
GCN (2011−2017)
Code name
15 July 2008 (14 years old)
Release date
16 November 2012 (10 years old)
Price now
Market segment

Technical Specifications Graphics Card

Comparing graphics cards NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI vs AMD Radeon HD 8770M in terms of technical specifications, which directly affect the final gaming, performance or mining performance. 
Dear visitors, in the technical specifications comparison block there is a preference highlighting (highlighted in yellow), so it will make it easier for you to study the advantages and disadvantages of the models 
What you need to pay attention to here:
1) GPU core starting clock speed and turbo mode.
2) The number of transistors, the more the better.
3) Thermal efficiency and the required TPD power. The higher the value, the more powerful power supply and motherboard will be needed.
4) The manufacturing process (lithography), indicated in nanometers, the smaller the value, the more advanced the graphics card.
Do not forget to study the comparison of video card test results in benchmarks, it will complement the overall picture of the analysis when reviewing the advantages and disadvantages.

600 MHz
Core clock speed
775 MHz
no data
Boost Clock
825 MHz
55/65 nm
Manufacturing process technology
28 nm
150 Watt
Power consumption (TDP)
no data
no data
Texture fill rate
no data
Floating-point performance
633.6 gflops
CUDA cores per GPU
1508 Million
Number of transistors
950 million

Dimensions and Compatibility

A comparison of video cards NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI vs AMD Radeon HD 8770M in terms of length, connection interface, as well as the number of required pins for power on the motherboard (power supply). 
If you are considering a new graphics card to upgrade your system, you should consider the following:
1) Measure the length of your existing graphics card; if it is shorter, you will have to buy an extra larger system case. This will be useful not only for the video card to fit there, but also for more efficient cooling of the system.
2) The number of power phases on the motherboard and power supply compatibility. High performance graphics cards require higher wattage power supplies and some of them need more pins to be connected to the motherboard. So make sure that your motherboard supports the video card.
This is all you need to know when analyzing a comparison between graphics cards NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI and AMD Radeon HD 8770M in connection interface and main dimensions.

no data
PCIe 3.0 x8
Laptop size
medium sized
SLI options
no data

Graphics memory (technical specifications)

Video memory comparison NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI vs AMD Radeon HD 8770M A very important model comparison unit, here you will understand which video card deserves your attention and which you can safely forget. In today's reality, new working applications, even games, are becoming more demanding on the hardware resources of the computer, where video memory is one of the important ones. The more memory of the video card, the faster the data is processed and less lag is observed when watching video, gaming, rendering. 
Which video card to choose by memory between NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI and {{video_card_name_2}?
1) Look at the GDDR type. The higher it is, the more modern and performant the model is.
2) How much memory is installed? The more memory, the faster multiple data sets will be handled.
3) Bandwidth. The higher the figure, the better.
4) Memory bus width. Similar to the fourth point.

As you can see, determining the winner of this comparison is not that difficult. You just need to compare the characteristics and decide in favor of the model with the best performance.

Memory type
512 MB
Maximum RAM amount
2 GB
256 Bit
Memory bus width
128 Bit
800 MHz
Memory clock speed
4500 MHz
no data
Memory bandwidth
72 GB/s
Shared memory

Port and Display Support

Port and display support for NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI and AMD Radeon HD 8770M may be different. When comparing models, it is important to determine what type of monitor and other external devices connection is provided, this is important for connecting not only multiple monitors, but also other accessories. 
For example, DisplayPort and HDMI differ drastically in the quality of the digital signal transmission, plus if you are looking to buy a new graphics card from these two models, it is important to consider which connector is available on your monitor, as you may need to buy a new cable or adapter DisplayPort > HDMI or vice versa.
When comparing NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI and AMD Radeon HD 8770M, choose the graphics card with the more modern HDMI port.

no data
Display Connectors
No outputs


Let us compare video cards NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI and AMD Radeon HD 8770M according to the technologies their manufacturers have implemented. For your reference, not all video card models have these specifications, so a comparison of video card technologies may not occur if one of the two models being compared lacks this specification.
In a comparison between NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI and AMD Radeon HD 8770M it is possible to give advantage to the model which has at least some technological advantages. It does not affect the overall performance in any way, so we can consider the presence of technology as a simple bonus.

no data

API support

A basic comparison of GPUs NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI and AMD Radeon HD 8770M for different API versions. 
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a programming interface for interacting with various software.
This information will be useful if you:
1) Looking for a video card to develop applications or programs.
2) Looking for the best graphics card for a developer (universal solution).
3) Want to find the best graphics card for computer or mobile game development.
4) Looking for a graphics card for coding.
No matter what you are looking for you need a graphics card for, you should choose the one that is right for your price and you will find basic API support for developing applications and programs in any of them.

12 (11_1)
no data
no data
no data
Shader Model
no data

Advantages of NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI

Cheaper ($149 vs $338)

More maximum RAM amount (512 MB vs 2 GB)

Advantages of AMD Radeon HD 8770M

Finer manufacturing process technology (28 nm vs 55/65 nm)

So, NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI or AMD Radeon HD 8770M?

Which video card is better and more powerful? We recommend NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI .

NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI vs AMD Radeon HD 8770M in benchmarks comparison

3DMark 11 Performance GPU

If you're looking for a decent card that can handle your favorite discount games, check out our GPU rating. It's based on 3DMark 11 Performance GPU testing. Compare popular graphics cards online, and also pay attention to a number of nuances: - Which GPU is most popular? - Which graphics card should i buy? - Which version of graphics card is best? Using this advanced GPU Comparison tool, compare two graphics cards or compare your current PC build - graphics card and processor - with a future upgrade.

3DMark Vantage Performance

It can be very confusing trying to find the perfect graphics card. Graphics are a huge part of PC gaming, but not every computer is built for the best games on the market. You need to know which graphics card is right for your needs. We've tested all the popular models in the 3DMark Vantage Performance benchmark to help you decide. Keep the following in mind: - What are the top 3 graphics cards? - Which is the No 1 graphics card in the world? - Which graphics card is best for gaming? Also think about whether you need the best card for work, for gaming, or for game dev, because these can be different models.

Is the NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS SLI better than AMD Radeon HD 8770M? - UltimatePCtech Rating.

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5.0 Out of User Rating