Qualcomm Adreno 685 in 1 Benchmarks

Detailed and most informative review of video card Qualcomm Adreno 685 in 1 benchmarks. It is here you will learn the main technical characteristics of the model, all the advantages and disadvantages, especially with a comprehensive approach in the study of the material.
We have prepared for you a basic list of technical specifications, which correspond to video card Qualcomm Adreno 685
1.    Manufacturer - QUALCOMM. Is one of the most popular brands.
2.    Release date 6 December 2018 (4 years old).
3.    Working frequency of the graphics core is + Turbo mode (this is the maximum working frequency without overclocking).
4. the capacity and base speed of the graphics memory of the graphics card Qualcomm Adreno 685 - / .
5.    Bandwidth .
6.    TDP level is 7 Watt.
7.    The chip manufacturing process (lithography) 7 nm.
Carefully study the main characteristics of video card Qualcomm Adreno 685, if necessary, compare it with a competitive model in order to choose the best one in order to upgrade the system for the next 2-3 years.

General Information

General information about the video card Qualcomm Adreno 685. This information will be the easiest way for you to start any study and analysis of the data presented. For example, it is in the first block that we display the average cost of the video card Qualcomm Adreno 685 (based on the analysis of Amazon, Ebay, Ali marketplaces) and indicate the place in the overall performance rating of video cards, the higher it is, the more advanced and faster the processing of calculations. It also displays the date of manufacture of the model, the code name of the graphics processor, the core architecture and type (segment of use - server, workstation, laptops, home computers, etc.). For your convenience, the important value is highlighted in yellow, it is the advantage of the video card (especially clear in a comparison).

Place in performance rating: 792
Value for money (0-100): 0.47
Release date: 6 December 2018 (4 years old)
Price now: $1429
Market segment: Laptop

Technical Specifications Graphics Card

Basic technical information on the Qualcomm Adreno 685 video card review. What is displayed here and how you can analyze the data provided? First, you should pay attention to the clock speed of the central graphics processor, the higher it is, the better; secondly, the technological process of manufacture, what is it in the video card (the less, the better)? The information that affects the final performance and score in the GPU rating:
1) Number of Pipelines
2) Number of Transistors Used
3) Thermal Efficiency (as measured by TPD)
4) Maximum clock frequency of the GPU.
Please don't forget to check your graphics card benchmarks after the analysis.

Manufacturing process technology: 7 nm
Power consumption (TDP): 7 Watt

Graphics memory (technical specifications)

Graphics memory overview Qualcomm Adreno 685. 
1) How much video memory do modern games need? - More than 4 or 6 gigabytes.
2) Which standard (type of video memory) is the newest? - Today, the latest graphics memory standard is GDDR6 (sixth generation).
3) What does the GPU video memory affect? - On the overall performance in games, processing complex renders and video scenes, the calculation of large arrays of data in the complex processor and memory of the device. 
If you need a video card for work, 2 gigabytes of memory is enough, if you are a gamer and constantly strive for quality and high FPS, a video card must have at least 8 gigabytes of memory of the standard (minimum) GDDR5.
Below we have provided the technical information of the video card memory Qualcomm Adreno 685, from which you should know the type, maximum size, bandwidth.

Shared memory: +

API support

Let's look at which APIs are supported by the Qualcomm Adreno 685 video card. Let's start with the definition, an API (Application Programming Interface) is a programming interface for interacting with various software. There are several APIs this video card supports, you can see their versions below. The most common are DirectX, OpenGL, Vulcan and OpenCL. These are not considered in the calculation and analysis of the performance of the video card model, so the information is solely for the creation of a detailed overview.


DirectX: 12

Qualcomm Adreno 685 Testing in Benchmarks

It is our favourite section, Qualcomm Adreno 685. Testing in Benchmarks. Benchmarks are a powerful development tool. You may want to consider the answers to the following questions: - What is meant by benchmarking? - How do I benchmark a graphics card Qualcomm Adreno 685? - How do I test a video card Qualcomm Adreno 685 in a benchmark? - What is a video game benchmark test? A GPU benchmark is a test that helps you to compare the speed, performance, and efficiency of the video card.

GPU Benchmark performance

3DMark 11 GPU Benchmark

If you're looking for a decent card that can handle your favorite discount games, check out our GPU rating. It's based on 3DMark 11 Performance GPU testing. Compare popular graphics cards online, and also pay attention to a number of nuances: - Which GPU is most popular? - Which graphics card should i buy? - Which version of graphics card is best? Using this advanced GPU Comparison tool, compare two graphics cards or compare your current PC build - graphics card and processor - with a future upgrade.